The Beast Village

Written By Courtney Shlee
(at age 9)

Once there was a dinosaur village full of beasts. Only the Tyrnnsaurus Rex lived there because they had no friends. Because they had no friends, they were mean.

They slaughtered other dinosaurs. Other dinosaurs hid from the Rex.

In the Beast Village, the biggest and most fierce was chosen as the leader. When the leader became old or injured, he would be challenged by a younger and more powerful Rex. T.Roy, only three years old and not much bigger than a small boulder, thought he would challenge the leader, T. Ron.

T. Roy walked up to T. Ron's knees and said, "I'm going to beat you up if you don't give me the crown." T. Ron thought that there was no way that T. Roy could ever defeat him. T. Roy, as Rexes go, was a more gentle dinosaur and tired of the killing. He was also tired of being only in the company of other Rexes.

The whole Village laughed at T. Roy. They, too, felt there was no way T. Roy could win over T. Ron. With determination, T. Roy began to think of a way to beat T. Ron.

In the meantime, T. Roy and all the other young Rexes began to sneak out of the Beast Village to play with the other young dinosaurs of every kind.

One day, T. Roy challenged T. Ron and asked him to step down from being leader. All the young Rexes agreed with T. Roy and explained to their parents how much fun it was to have friends and play outside the Village. The parents could see the joy in young Rexes faces and knew they had learned something from their children that day.

With the whole Village behind T. Roy, T. Ron had no choice but to step down. The Village began to fill with laughter and happiness. Dinosaurs of all kinds came to the Beast Village with no fear and visited with the Rexes. The adults talked, and the children played.

Peace came to the land, and the dinosaurs decided to rename the Village. It was renamed The Dinosaur Village.

T. Roy's best friend was a pterodactyl named Polly. They had many adventures together, but those are other stories.

Copyright © 1996 by Courtney Darlene Shlee, All Rights Reserved

You can email Courtney in care of her grandmother, Deanna Shlee Hopkins, at
