
Life passes in a series of phases which we could look upon as milestones. The first milestone for me was the one of Childhood.

Life flowed along free and easy with sunny days, pretty dolls, soft kittens, and Mom's good cookin'. Big problems were spilling my milk, breaking a toy, and falling off my bike. Grade school came naturally enough with the excitement of anticipation that something new always brings. Big problems were getting my homework done, getting enough starch in that new dress, and impressing my teachers.

My next milestone was the one of High School. Something magical must have happened between eighth grade and freshman year because Mom said I was no longer a child but a "young lady." Soon, I could wear makeup, drive a car, and date. Big problems were getting to the football games, not getting caught for speeding, and impressing my peers.

Then there was the glorious milestone of Work. Armed with courses in typing and shorthand and my high school diploma, I was soon assimilated into the work force of business. Big problems were getting to work on time, looking great, and impressing my boss.

Suddenly came the milestone of Family. I was married with a home of my own and three beautiful children. There was the ever feeding, washing, doctoring. Big problems were keeping enough "goodies" in the house for all my kids' friends, slumber parties, and impressing them with good values.

All too soon came the milestone of my children's Leaving Home. It started with getting that all important "first apartment." Big problems were do they have clean underwear, are they eating right, and wedding plans. I was impressed with how well they were handling their lives.

And, today, I am living the milestone of Grandchildren. Quickly and pleasantly I am surrounded by TEN "little people" - six granddaughters and four grandsons. They love to go to dinner with me, spend the night at my house, and try on my shoes. I am rediscovering the world of popsicles, tricycles and bicycles, miniature dishes, Barbies, and G.I.Joe. Big problems are finding their favorite blankets, skinned knees, and enough ice cream. I am impressed with how much love they have to give.

Finally, I come to the expectations of the Milestones of the Future. There may be great-grandchildren and more university studies. Also, I view my passing as the final milestone of this life. Big problems will be did I leave a ring in the tub, are my bills paid, and don't stumble going through those "Pearly Gates." I've been so impressed with this life that I look forward to starting the milestones of the next! I hope I've impressed God.

Love to All,

Copyright © 1998 by Deanna Gail Shlee, All Rights Reserved

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